The Knit with attitude Blog

- an East London Yarn Shop

  1. You are invited - Virtual Knit Night

    Here at Knit with attitude we are very aware the need for community, support and friendship in these challenging times of isolation, we still need 'to see' each other and keep in touch with our local friends as well as those from far away. We are currently working on virtual alternatives trying to find suitable solutions, and one of the...
    You are invited - Virtual Knit Night
  2. Coping with Corona

    It was an amazing photo shoot last week. In many ways it felt like everything that is Knit with attitude – what it represents to me personally, friendship, creativity, drive and ambition, all melted into this one passion, the love for yarn and knitting. I was surrounded by this energy of achievement and pride, and I got to share this...
    Coping with Corona
  3. Introducing Norne Yarn

    We were blown away when the delivery of Norne Yarn arrived just before Unravel. We knew it was going to be beautiful, but we didn’t realise it would be this beautiful! Sumptuous and rich with jewel like tones on the most luscious base imaginable. It’s enough to to make you weep with joy. So what is the Norne Yarn all...
    Introducing Norne Yarn
  4. Yarn Pairings for Pompom Issue 32

    Spring! The days begin to lengthen, the sun shines just that little bit stronger and nature reminds us it's still there and bursts into life. The days are still cool, but there is a hint of warmth in the air. So much so we may shun our winter overcoats and choose a favourite hand knit as the only warming layer...
    Yarn Pairings for Pompom Issue 32
  5. Time For a New Project - Neon Skyline by Carol Feller

    I love these 'Time For a New Project' posts. It's my chance to have a fantasise about the colour potential of project. Plus rummaging around on the shelves of Knit With Attitude is my favourite thing to do. So when I saw Neon Skyline by Carol Feller and saw that it was knit in her yarn Stolen Stitches Nua my...
    Time For a New Project - Neon Skyline by Carol Feller
  6. The Photographer - Jonna Hietala - Kickstarter Campaign

    I was first made aware of Jonna Hietala's stunning photography when she together with Sini Kramer founded and published the first issue of Laine Magazine, a knitting magazine representing and showcasing nothing we'd ever seen before! Laine Cover Photo - Issue One A burning desire to translate what we see and feel into our own language.We are born to create...
    The Photographer - Jonna Hietala - Kickstarter Campaign
  7. Our Neighbourhood - Kickstarter Campaign

    An important part of what Knit With Attitude is and what places us within our community is the relationship with our neighbours. That's everyone from our friends and customers that come through our doors, attend our monthly knit nights or come in for a chat when they are out and about in Stoke Newington. Being a shop you interact with...
    Our Neighbourhood - Kickstarter Campaign
  8. Knitting With Attitude the Book - Kickstarter Campaign

    You may have seen lots of tempting teaser pictures of various knitting designs on our social medium platforms instagram and facebook over the past few weeks. But why are we teasing you! The Knit With Attitude anniversary book of course. If you didn't know Knit With Attitude is celebrating its 10 years this year, read more about our beginnings here...
    Knitting With Attitude the Book - Kickstarter Campaign
  9. 10 Years and Still Standing -
    kickstarter campaign

    Ten years ago, in January 2010, I dragged with me what I could carry onto three buses across London, off to set up Knit with attitude on it's very first day as a market trader at Greenwich Market. Having just moved with my family from Norway to London, coming from a background as a sub-culture film maker, I can honestly...
    10 Years and Still Standing -  kickstarter campaign
  10. What to Knit? Hedgehog Fibres Merino DK

    If you haven't noticed already we have had a massive explosion of Hedgehog Fibres in Knit With Attitude this week. Glorious tonal solids and crazy speckled skeins of Merino DK and Twist Sock are now hanging happily in the hand dyed corner of the shop. I have been particularly drawn to the Merino DK the past couple of days. It's...
    What to Knit? Hedgehog Fibres Merino DK
  11. What Maya Knits - Eifelgold Shawl

    “I'm not a shawls person” is clearly a lie I've been telling myself forever. After making a humongous DK weight shawl a couple of years back (the Askews Me! by Stephen West) and having worn it constantly since then, maybe not through the worst summer heat wave, but other than that every single day is like … I can feel...
    What Maya Knits - Eifelgold Shawl
  12. New year.... New skill

    There is something exciting about a new year. It's full of anticipation for what the year ahead has in store for us. New friends we will make, and new things to discover and learn. What better time of year to set yourself a challenge. This could be something simple like revisiting a forgotten past time, or something altogether more challenging...
    New year.... New skill

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Maya and the crew at Knit with attitude.