The Knit with attitude Blog

- an East London Yarn Shop

  1. Browse the Shelves - Cumbria Worsted

    I'm taking a look back over some of our much loved yarns with this series 'Browse the Shelves'. Let us guide your hands and spark some inspiration for your next project. First up we have The Fibre Co Cumbria. This blend of 60% merino wool, 30% brown masham wool and 10% mohair has a plump sturdiness to it without compromising...
    Browse the Shelves - Cumbria Worsted
  2. Virtual Knit Night March 10th

    Another world crisis is happening and the news coming from Ukraine is both terrifying and heart breaking. When everything seems overwhelming and as to falling apart around us, how do we justify our emotion, how are we supposed to or even allowed to feel? I've been thinking a lot about how we as humans are multi-faceted beings, our emotions are...
    Virtual Knit Night March 10th
  3. Inspiration and Kits for Blum by Rachel Illsley

    Rachel Illsley's colourwork designs are just magnificent, they are complex but delicate at the same time and ooze personality. Small and well observed details are at the heart of her patterns. Which contain a myriad of tiny crosses, lines and shapes that build into an impactful design. Blum is one of those designs that stops you in your tracks. Heavily...
    Inspiration and Kits for Blum by Rachel Illsley
  4. How to choose your colours for iKnit7 Side by Side KAL

    We have created an exciting new way of shopping for kits at Knit With Attitude for the upcoming iKnit7 KAL. Susanne Sommer's design uses two colours. A main colour for the body and sleeves and a contrast colour for the neckband and cuff ribbing. With so many colour choices and so many possibilities our new kit selections allow you to...
    How to choose your colours for iKnit7 Side by Side KAL
  5. Virtual Knit Night February 10th

    There is so much happening behind the scenes these days, deadlines to be met, launches to prepare, news to be shouted about. It is all very exciting, but I, for one am really looking forward to a well deserved break tonight hanging out with you all. Speaking about excitement, I am planning to finish securing my steaks tonight, moral support...
    Virtual Knit Night February 10th
  6. Block around the Clock

    Every knitter has their own way of knitting and their own tension. These may slightly vary from knitter to knitter or vary a lot. Knitting styles, needle types and yarn varieties all play a part in the finished tension of a piece. That's why it's important to swatch. To knit to the same tension as specified in the pattern not...
    Block around the Clock
  7. Virtual Knit Night January 13th

    It is that happy time of the month again, the second Thursday, and the first time this year where we'll be gathering in front of our screens for some much needed social shenanigans! How was your holiday, Christmas and New Year celebrations? I can't wait to hear - and of course - your knitting, did everything go as planned? I...
    Virtual Knit Night January 13th
  8. A little look at Crochet Crush by Molla Mills

    Looking for something to lift your mood during these dark and rainy winter days? A little ray of sunshine is peeking thought the clouds in the form of Crochet Crush by Molla Mills. This book is not only bursting with colour but contains 23 crochet patterns for homewares and accessories. All in Molla Mills distinctive graphic style, inspired by her...
    A little look at Crochet Crush by Molla Mills
  9. What George Knits - Best Beret

    It's the time of year for speedy knits for speedy gifts and with Christmas getting closer the speedier the better. So enter the Best Beret. I've knit this for a friend but I kind of want to keep it for myself! The Best Beret pattern is simple and quick to knit and comes with two size options, two silhouette options...
    What George Knits - Best Beret
  10. What George Knits - Shawlography Shawl

    Another Stephen West Mystery Knit-A-Long came a long in October and I was a bit on the fence about taking part. But then an idea entered my head and I couldn't get it out. What about knitting it in lace? The MKAL shawls are always huge, so it shrinking it down a bit would be OK I thought. Whats more...
    What George Knits - Shawlography Shawl
  11. Knitters Gift Guide - Kits

    So we said we were looking at everything else but yarn, but how could we resist! This post though is dedicated to kits. Carefully curated bundles of yarn to complete a whole project. These are not just random skeins, but the whole project potential. Is there something a knitting friend has been dreaming of making but not had the yarn...
    Knitters Gift Guide - Kits
  12. Virtual Knit Night December 9th

    We're heading into another Christmas with the pandemic hanging over us all, affecting business, work-life, travelling and hopeful plans to see our families and friends. I don't know about you, but I definitely need a break from it all, and tonight is our golden opportunity to do exactly that. Let's hang out and knit! I'm struggling with finishing my gift...
    Virtual Knit Night December 9th

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Maya and the crew at Knit with attitude.