Woolly Wormhead

  1. Yarn Pairings for Short-Row Colourwork by Woolly Wormhead

    Woolly Wormhead's new book Short Row Colourwork has taken the knitting world by storm. It has been hard to get our hands on them and as soon as they do they are gone again. But the exciting news is we have more coming in. If you have had your eye on this book grab your copy now. If you are...
    Yarn Pairings for Short-Row Colourwork by Woolly Wormhead
  2. Getting to Know: Woolly Wormhead

    We are ridiculously excited to be welcoming knitting super hero Woolly Wormhead - hosting, not just one, but two brilliant workshops at Knit with attitude. Focusing on construction and techniques renown designer, independent publisher, traveller, textile artist and all around hat geek Woolly will guide us through knitting in the round and turning sideways. Both workshops will be on the...

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Maya and the crew at Knit with attitude.