icelandic yarn
New Yarn - Hélène Magnusson: Gilitrutt Tvíband and Love Story Einband.
Long admired by us here at Knit With Attitude. We are super excited to be introducing Hélène Magnússon's yarns Gilitrutt Tvíband and Love Story Einband. Hélène Magnússon has both French and Icelandic nationality. Growing up in France she later became a lawyer in Paris. In 1995 she decided to change her life completley and move to Iceland. Learning the language... -
Time for a new project - Icelandic Lopapeysa
The Lopapeysa originates in Iceland in early or mid-20th century, at a time when imports had displaced older and more traditional Icelandic clothing and people began to search for new ways to utilise the plentiful native wool. The design has since become a national icon for Icelandic cultural identity. -
Yarn Focus -
Istex PlötulopiWe have just had a much awaited delivery of gorgeous Lopi yarns come through our door, boxes filled to the brim with hearty Icelandic wool. Knitters favourites like the Léttlopi and Bulkylopi are now back on the shelves, but did you know that we also have the more unknown but equally lush and maybe more intriguing Plötulopi? We have been... -
New Yarn: Ístex Bulkylopi
A firm favourite here at Knit with attitude is the Léttlopi, but this yarn has just got supersized! In the form of Bulkylopi, what a fun yarn to see you into the winter. Like the Léttlopi, its made form 100% sturdy Icelandic wool, and comes in a variety of natural shades. I can see this becoming a much loved yarn. A single...