
  1. Drumroll Please!

    After years and years building a reputation as proper connoisseurs of project bags, we've seen, tested and evaluated them all, and as many of you know – we've been the first one to bring to market several of those now thought of as 'can't live without it' brands. It is about high time and with incredible amounts of pride (and...
    Drumroll Please!
  2. Exploring Plystre

    It's hard to avoid here at Knit With Attitude that the Plystre project bags are our ultimate favourites when it comes to carrying around our knitting. We have the project bag, crossbody bag, pouch and backpack. With this post I want to take a thorough look at each model and get up close to all the amazing design features built into these bags...
    Exploring Plystre

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Maya and the crew at Knit with attitude.